It was our last day in Ganta. We packed up and checked out of the hotel. We went to breakfast at Angel Hill. Then we went to the closing service of Conference. When we got there, many persons were still outside the building. There was going to be a procession at the beginning of the service. The clergy all had white robes on and lay persons were dressed in their finery. There were last pictures taken with friends.
We worked our way through the crowd to go to our seats in the front of the auditorium. Music was already being played. Soon the Conference Secretary Rev. Dr. Labala announced the hymn for the processional – “Come, Christians, Join to Sing”. There were three verses but we sang it again until all had entered and taken their seats. This included the choirs, the newly ordained clergy, the cabinet, the directors, Bishop Quire and Retired Bishop Kulah.
After a short greeting was said, we sang “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”. The Bishop led the Invocation and the Confession. The Conference UMW President Muriel Nelson led the Act of Praise. The St. Paul River District Mass Choir sang an anthem.
Then the Advance Committee led by David Farhat made an impassioned plea for giving to the Fund Drive that began a number of people making large donations and calling out others by name to do the same. At one point our leader Jon Reynolds walked up and gave $500 which the team had put together and pledged another $500 toward Ganta Hospital.
After a long time the service continued with prayers, Scripture readings, a choir anthem, and the singing of the Conference theme song – “My Hope is Built”. Then the Bishop gave the sermon. Afterward everyone stood and said the Apostles’ Creed. The prayer hymn was “Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross”. There was a Passing of the Peace by all waving their hands, a communion hymn, and the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper. The Sending Forth was the Hymn “Go, Make of All Disciples”.
There was a final business session and the fixing of appointments. But by then our guides were encouraging us to leave so we could get to lunch and our journey.
We had lunch and gave last greetings to those who had come in later. We started back to Monrovia at 2:45 pm. We had a couple other people with us. On the way back we stopped at a place that had a fairly new well with the name of Rochester St. Paul UMC on it. That’s where Jon served before his current appointment at Cass Community.
We eventually dropped off the other travelers and arrived at the Mission Compound by 7 pm. We unloaded and ate a supper provided by our dear ladies Ocelia and Vision. Devotions and debriefing and to bed.