Author Archives: Diana Miller

ANNUAL CONFERENCE- End of Feb 10-Beginning of Feb.11 – Post #9

I hurried to finish Post #8 and did not mention that Feb 10 afternoon session ended at 4:30 pm. We were taken back to our hotels to cool down. Then went to supper about 7:15. We got back to the room by 8:30. We reorganized some things before heading to bed. I exchanged some texts with our son Dave. It was around 4 pm Eastern time. They were very slow going out. I did find out that my Mother has pneumonia in addition to the dehydration she was already experiencing. My brother Nelson had been called with the information and shared it with the family.


On Thursday we woke just before 6 so shut the alarm off before it rang. Time for showers again. I am experiencing some heat rash on my arms inside the elbow joints. I am using some Benedryl so it comes and goes. I read devotions. Then started writing a blog.   We downsized our carry bags again. Soon we were off to breakfast. We have had some very interesting conversations as we share stories with other Episcopal guests. It was much cooler and less humid weather. I have not mentioned that all the Liberian clergy including the women were supposed to wear black suits at every session. The women wore skirts. Duane and a few other guests wore suits each time. So they got really warm. Others were a little less formal. Yesterday I started wearing my Liberian dresses. They are certainly cooler!


The second morning of conference was a little surprising for two reasons. Duane and I had been ushered down to the front row of the guest session and, before we could get settled, we were told by the usher that the Bishop wanted us up on the podium area. (The ushers were mostly laywomen who wore uniform dresses so they would be recognized and obeyed!!) I should say that the 22 Liberian District Superintendents have been sitting on the right as you look at the stage area. There are three large chairs in the center where the three active Bishops – Hopkins, Innis and Yambasu. – sat. To the left were several rows where different groups of dignitaries were seated in different sessions. So Duane and I moved up to the rows. We saw that there were others already up there from the different delegations. Tom and Bill were moved up also. At one point someone said something about most of the persons this morning were current or former District Superintendents in their conferences.


The second reason was that, as we settled, we realized that the electricity was off. No lights, microphones, keyboard, FANS. They were trying to figure out what to do when everything came back on.   It was interesting to look around at the crowd. There were over 450 people plus guests. Many of the laywomen were wearing very beautiful dresses and headdresses in many colors and designs. Some persons were wearing shirts or dresses that had the United Methodist Cross and Flame in the design. We all start out so crisp and wilt as the day goes on.

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ANNUAL CONFERENCE – Feb 10 – Post #8

A delegation from Sierra Leone joined us today.  After breakfast we were all taken to the Fairgrounds building where the Laity Session had met the day before.  I saw another UMW person that I had met two years ago – Esther Yah, UMW District President of Wealah District.  After we had been seated in the front guest area, there was a processional during the first hymn. Four different choirs marched in, followed by the Bishops and District Superintendents all wearing robes.  There were large floor fans moving the air around.  The Morning Worship Service started roughly at 9 am and lasted until 12:50 pm. The music was amazing.  Bishop Innis is from Grand Bassa County which is why we are here this year for his last conference before retirement.  One of the choirs sang and drummed an anthem in Bassa style.  The Gifts of the Word were led by the speaking of the Rev. Rebecca Z. P. Hayhak who spoke in Bassa with a translator.  She was very dynamic and drew many strong responses.  Liturgy continued interspersed with choir anthems.  Bishop Innis introduced the ecumenical and governmental representativesall and all the guests from around the world.  He called up leaders of different delegations to give greetings.  There were groups from Sierra Leone and Core d’Ivoire as they are neighbors with strong United Methodist conferences.  There were four persons from Norway who have been working on self-sustaining projects with the Church, other Non-governmental organizations and the country of Liberia. (Additional Norwegians came another day.)   There were representatives of at least five United Methodist Conferences.  When the Detroit Conference was mentioned, Bishop Innis asked Duane to bring his delegation and introduce us.  We all ended up saying something about our connections to Liberia.  While songs were sung, the ushers collected the offering by passing offering baskets around.  Prayers were given.  Then the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist was held.  The session was closed by prayer.  We went back to the house of our meals.


After lunch, we went back to the session.  This was the first business session.  Some conference officers were recognized and commended.  The arrival of the country’s Vice President Joseph Boikai created a stir.  After his introduction he spoke about all the work that the Liberia United Methodist Church had done in nation building.  Then Bishop Innis gave his last Episcopal Address.  He will serve until the middle of December.  After the address, Bishop Kulah – the previous Bishop – commended Bishop Innis.  The Liberian Vice President left.


The Laity address was given by Bro. Rudolph Merab.  After announcements the session was dismissed with prayer.   And Day One of conference was over.

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Tuesday afternoon Duane came back after the clergy session ended.  The Board of Ordained Ministry gave their report about Training, Pastor’s Course of Study and Scholarship.  They went through the rules about nominating candidates for Bishop. This is Bishop Innis’s last conference.  The conference will be voting on candidates for the next Bishop.  Several top candidates may be recommended for election at the West Africa Central Conference.  The tradition is that a Liberian is assigned to Liberia.  So only one would be elected.  Bishop Innis had Bishop Arthur F. Kulau preside during this discussion.


Then they discussed policies for minimum salaries and pensions.  (I realized as Duane shared that I had listed the wrong country for the District Superintendent and Lay Leader who traveled with us from Monrovia.  They are from Cote d’Ivoire and are French speaking.)  The District Superintendent from Cote d’Ivoire spoke through an interpreter to the session about how his conference has organized their salaries and pensions.


After Duane got refreshed, we went out to the lounge to wait for someone to take us to dinner.  We visited with Bishop Hopkins and others.


The Bishop came from his room ready to go to dinner.  When he realized no one had come, he made a call and then had us go in one of the cars available to him.  After we got to the guest house, we realized that Tom and Bill were not there so we mentioned it and someone went to get them.  Part of the confusion over rides was the fact that the arrangers had to go back to the airport to get more international guests.


After dinner, some of the persons went to an evening worship service.  We went back to the hotel.  It was already after 8 pm.  We got a message from Verizon about how much we were spending using the phone so we turned off all the data roaming again.

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We were wakened by our alarm at 6:30 am.  I read my devotions while Duane showered.  Then I had my turn.  We agreed it was a great feeling!  We were picked up in our van and taken around the block to the guest house for breakfast.  Duane and I decided to turn on some additional data protocol on our phone so we could communicate.  Texts starting going through sometimes.  Tons of email came in too.  We logged off Facebook after we saw that our son Dave had posted to our friends that we were here safely.  Then we were taken to the sessions – the clergy in one van and a car, the laity in another car.   The laity session was meeting seemed near our hotel.  The clergy session met in a church that was a little farther away at the end of the fairgrounds where the conference was being held.


As we approached the area, we could see many people walking toward the church.  A big business everywhere are the motorcycles.  The driver takes up to three passengers behind to places they need to go.  So delegates were coming that way.    There were three laity from East Ohio, the Sierra Leone Lay Leader, and myself.  We were taken right in and seated in the first row in front of the table where the leaders were going to sit.  We watched as many people were coming in and filling the right side of the sanctuary.  I decided to talk to the tech people to try and get something posted.  They were willing to try.  They asked for my flash drive.  Unfortunately time had not allowed me to think that through to have one prepared.  I had been carrying my computer everywhere so sat down, turned in on, and transferred my blog words.  I took it to them.  Since they had a PC, it took a little bit to get it transferred to their computer and then we ran out of time before I could use their browser to boost it up.  So I let it go and went back to my seat.  Three United Methodist Women that I have known from before came to greet me – Sis. Pauline Roberts; Sis. Alfreda Anderson, the Conference Associate Lay Leader; and Sis. Sarah Nah, Conference United Methodist Women President.  It was so good to see them.  The laity session began around 9:45 am.  After the devotion time, the guests were introduced, tagged and given the souvenir program.  Usual business proceeded.  In a while, we were offered additional bottles of water.  Then asked if we wanted to rest.  None of us did.  Then a man who was helping Frances asked if I wanted to go back to the hotel.  It was very warm and I decided that I had had enough.  When we got to the hotel, Francis asked me to get the others who were already back to come so we could go to lunch.


Duane was in the room. He had gone with the clergy to their session.  He met several friends from earlier times.  All the guests were introduced.  Our friend Tom preached for their devotional time.  Then the business of approving persons for ordination and other business occurred.  Our group were brought back to the hotel to rest.


We had lunch meeting even more persons from the different US groups.  Duane was going back to the clergy session.  I needed to rest and catch up with myself so I was taken back to the hotel with another clergy spouse in the Bishop’s car.   At first the air conditioner wasn’t on.  Then I think since there were more of us resting they turned it on for the afternoon. I lost all of my connectivity in the room.  So I went to a lounge room near the front door.  I got thru to Duane at least.  Didn’t try anyone else.   I’ve been charging my computer and writing more of this.  It is now late afternoon and the electricity went off 15 minutes ago.  It will soon be time to go to the evening sessions.  More later.




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ANOTHER TRAVEL DAY – FEB 8, Monday Post # 5

We woke up about the same time  – 6:30 am Liberian time – we would have wakened up on Eastern time at home so I guess we transitioned well.  We were taken back to the same home where we had eaten the previous night to have breakfast.  Part way through Bishop Innis came to greet us.  He went back to his office to finish preparations for annual conference.  We would see him and his wife later on in Buchanan.  We stayed there a while and some persons watched reruns of the Super Bowl with French commentaries.  English is the predominant language in Liberia and French in Sierra Leone so the tv channels are a mix.


A little later in the morning we were taken on a tour of the business section in Monrovia.  There was lots of commerce in stores and on the street.   There were lots of changes through renovations in many areas – even more than when I was there in 2014.  Then we went to the Conference Center.  Frances took a few of us walking around the outside.  In the back area we saw the Women’s Training Center, the Girls’ Dormitory, the Day Care Center, the Office of the Deaf Program and other Conference offices before moving on.  We went back to the Lutheran Guest House to get our luggage.


Then we drove for 2 & 3/4 hours through the countryside to get to Buchanan.   At first we were in suburban areas where there was lots of commerce again.  There were many new business buildings and lots of new houses as well as ones being renovated.  Some were painted in bright colors.  We crossed several rivers where the bridges had been rebuilt.  All the roads were well paved.  We went into more rural areas.  Again there were several newer houses among the older dwellings. We understood that we weren’t getting lunch until we got where we were going.  We were prepared with some snack foods so we could eat and take our pills especially the daily malaria pill.


We drove past the Roberts International Airport.  Then through the Firestone Rubber Plantation.  We drove past the area where the Detroit East Mission Trip of 2008 that Duane led took place.  It was a little off the road so we couldn’t see the parsonage that the team had worked on.  The current District Superintendent will try to take us there after conference.


We kept going down the road and entered the city of Buchanan where the conference was being held.  We got to a guest house about 3 pm and finally had lunch.  Afterward Duane and I were taken to a hotel where the Bishop and his wife and other persons were staying.  Our room was very nice; included a TV, air conditioning, and running water but no Wi-Fi or internet.  Tom and Bill went to another hotel.  They had Wi-Fi and could make connections.  We had a good rest for the afternoon then went back to the guest house where we were having our meals.  Bishop and Mother Irene came and ate with us.  Then we went back to our room.  It was about 9:45 pm Liberian time.  We cooled down, put things in dressers, then went to bed.  The distraction this time that woke us up about midnight was a large party going on nearby.  It seemed to be the sound of late elementary children playing their type of football or other games.  We guessed it was cooler at that time!!

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Overnight In Monrovia – Feb 7, Sunday Post #4

While we waited for the flight to Freetown Sierra Leone and Monrovia, we realized that there were UMC Mission Teams from East Ohio and another state.  We also met Bishop Bennie Warner, a Liberian bishop before Bishop Kulah and Bishop Innis.  He has been living in the states and came back for Annual Conference.  We realized later that Bishop John L. Hopkins from East Ohio and a district superintendent and conference lay leader from Sierre Leone were also on the flight.  There was a person, Neely Hicks, from UMCOM who was coming to work with communicators from other West African conferences on improving radio networks.  Their meeting would be in Monrovia after the annual conference.  We stopped in Freetown, Sierra Leone, where many passengers got off and others got on.   While we waited, the plane was refueled.  The flight to Monrovia was less than an hour.  Some people who got on at Freetown were going back to Brussels when the plane left Monrovia later that night.  We arrived there at 8:15, went through customs and were met by our hospitality coordinator Frances who rounded up us and our luggage into a van.  She has helped us on our earlier trips.  Another friend Sam, the director of the UM Mission Compound, was there too and went with us as we drove about 45 minutes from the airport into Monrovia.  We were taken to the Lutheran church guest house where six of us were staying overnight.  We left our luggage in our locked rooms and went to the United Methodist Mission Compound a few blocks away for a small supper in Sam’s home.  Then back to our place of rest.  Duane and I spent some time rearranging the things in our luggage so that all the church supplies we had originally spread between bags to keep the weight down were all in two smaller suitcases.  Finally we could go to bed.  It was nice to stretch out after sleeping on the plane.    We were so tired that we adjusted to the sound of the huge generator outside quickly and went to sleep.

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On Saturday we traveled to the Detroit area and went to a home where we were leaving our car and would be taken to Detroit Metro Airport. When we got to the airport we checked in and went through customs. We met Rev. Tom Robinson, former chair of the Detroit Conference Liberia Task Force and Rev. Bill Haggard, Grand Rapids District Superintendent in West Michigan. They are attending the Liberia Annual Conference also. We left Detroit and flew to Dulles International Airport in Virginia. In a short while we boarded a United plane headed to Brussels Belgium. It left at 5:50 pm Eastern time and lasted 6 1/2 hours. We had cheese and crackers as an appetizer.  Then in a little while we had dinner. We did not watch a movie but we did sample the games and some TV shows.   Then we slept or rested for several hours. We were wakened with a breakfast croissant and an hour later we landed. The time was 6:45 am Brussels time – 12:45 am Eastern time.   So we missed the night as we flew over the Atlantic Ocean. To get to the gate for our next flight we had to go to a different terminal. We went to waiting area then took a shuttle to the other terminal. Now we are lounging and waiting several hours until our flight to Monrovia which leaves at 12:15.


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Last Sunday at our local church Wagarville Community United Methodist Church, Rev. Vince Nader commissioned us for our Liberia Trip. These were the words of commission. Duane and Diana, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I charge you to serve as our representatives for the mission you are about to undertake. Go with joy. Witness for your Master. Represent the Church of Jesus Christ. Represent us. Encourage and inspire all of us in our Christian commitment. And may God richly bless and keep you on your mission. Amen.

This gives a good perspective to keep in mind as we at times frantically get ready to go.

(Pastor Vince is wearing a coat because the furnace wasn’t working that day.  It was about 46 degrees.  Quite a contrast to the temperatures in Liberia.  It was 88 degrees there today.)

Commission startCommission kneeling

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Getting Ready for Another Adventure

We have been planning to go to Liberia again.  In November of 2015 the Fourth Annual Liberia Partner Summit met in Farmington Hills, MI.  Duane had been in charge of the logistics for the event.  He had been in communication with many persons around the US and in Liberia making arrangements.  Bishop John G. Innis and his wife Irene were able to come and be a part of it.  Duane and I were invited by the Bishop to attend the Liberia United Methodist Church Annual Conference February 10-14 in Buchanan, Liberia.

After our arrival in Monrovia Sunday Feb 7th, we will travel to Buchanan on the 8th.  After the conference we think we will be going back to the Monrovia area until we leave for home Feb. 17th.

We have been busy getting our flights and getting our immunizations up to date.  Recently we have been packing what we will take so we can determine how many bags we need to use.  Keep us in your prayers as we journey forth.

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In the morning we finished packing.  Then with Princess Jusu as our guide, we walked three blocks to  Tubman Blvd and attended the S.T. Nagbe United Methodist Church near the Conference Center as they celebrated their 47th anniversary.   The music was exciting and the people were very enthusiastic.

Song Leader, Band and Choir

Song Leader, Band and Choir

We stopped by the Conference Offices sign for a picture.


Back at the Guest House we changed clothes, ate up leftovers, and finished closing suitcases.  Alfreda and her driver came.  He loaded all the luggage into the LAC UMC 20 van. We got in the smaller van with Sam one more time.   Rev. Anthony Dioh also went with us to the airport.

After we got to the airport area, we went about 10 minutes beyond the airport driving through the Firestone rubber plantation.  We made a short stop at the parsonage for the Kakata-Farmington District Superintendent.  Diana wanted to see it since her husband with a team from Detroit Conference had been responsible for helping to build it in 2008.  His name was mentioned on the cornerstone. There were also walls about 10 feet tall next door starting an administrative building for the district.  It will have meeting rooms and office space.

After a short visit we went to the airport.  Our luggage was put in place to wait for check in.  We sat at a table for about an hour.  Then we joined the queue to check in.  After we cleared security, we were ready to go.  There was still some time before the flight left so we had some supper in the little restaurant.  The flight left on time at 9:40 pm and we got to Brussels on time at 5:15 am.

Monday – After a four hour layover, we headed to Newark.  8 hours and 30 minutes but we got in a half hour early at noon.

After we cleared customs and headed for our gates, we had a group hug and final goodbyes then split to go to different terminals for our flights to our home states.  Those who had earlier flights were pretty much on time.  Those who had later flights were even later leaving.  Diana had one more flight to go farther north in Michigan.   All arrived home safely.

Praise God!  We had a wonderful experience that will not be soon forgotten!  Thanks to all our friends and families for their prayers for our Ubuntu Journey.

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