ANNUAL CONFERENCE- End of Feb 10-Beginning of Feb.11 – Post #9

I hurried to finish Post #8 and did not mention that Feb 10 afternoon session ended at 4:30 pm. We were taken back to our hotels to cool down. Then went to supper about 7:15. We got back to the room by 8:30. We reorganized some things before heading to bed. I exchanged some texts with our son Dave. It was around 4 pm Eastern time. They were very slow going out. I did find out that my Mother has pneumonia in addition to the dehydration she was already experiencing. My brother Nelson had been called with the information and shared it with the family.


On Thursday we woke just before 6 so shut the alarm off before it rang. Time for showers again. I am experiencing some heat rash on my arms inside the elbow joints. I am using some Benedryl so it comes and goes. I read devotions. Then started writing a blog.   We downsized our carry bags again. Soon we were off to breakfast. We have had some very interesting conversations as we share stories with other Episcopal guests. It was much cooler and less humid weather. I have not mentioned that all the Liberian clergy including the women were supposed to wear black suits at every session. The women wore skirts. Duane and a few other guests wore suits each time. So they got really warm. Others were a little less formal. Yesterday I started wearing my Liberian dresses. They are certainly cooler!


The second morning of conference was a little surprising for two reasons. Duane and I had been ushered down to the front row of the guest session and, before we could get settled, we were told by the usher that the Bishop wanted us up on the podium area. (The ushers were mostly laywomen who wore uniform dresses so they would be recognized and obeyed!!) I should say that the 22 Liberian District Superintendents have been sitting on the right as you look at the stage area. There are three large chairs in the center where the three active Bishops – Hopkins, Innis and Yambasu. – sat. To the left were several rows where different groups of dignitaries were seated in different sessions. So Duane and I moved up to the rows. We saw that there were others already up there from the different delegations. Tom and Bill were moved up also. At one point someone said something about most of the persons this morning were current or former District Superintendents in their conferences.


The second reason was that, as we settled, we realized that the electricity was off. No lights, microphones, keyboard, FANS. They were trying to figure out what to do when everything came back on.   It was interesting to look around at the crowd. There were over 450 people plus guests. Many of the laywomen were wearing very beautiful dresses and headdresses in many colors and designs. Some persons were wearing shirts or dresses that had the United Methodist Cross and Flame in the design. We all start out so crisp and wilt as the day goes on.

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