February 2020: Feb 14, Liberia Annual Conference, Post #5

We were awakened by our alarm at 6 am after having a good night’s sleep. It’s Valentine’s Day! We both thought the other one would forget but we both had cards for each other. There was also a nice surprise. There was hot water in the shower.

I was able to get on the internet much easier than last night. I enjoyed seeing that Dave had put up my posts. I was able to charge my phone using the Mophie charger. We got ourselves around and met the group downstairs. We went to breakfast at the same place.

(I neglected to mention on the last post the Liberian friends who welcomed us at the conference on Thursday. They greeted us throughout the morning. The UMW president Muriel Nelson, The Women’s Director Rose Farhat, the director of the Bishop Judith Craig Children’s Village Robert Sieh Jr., the district superintendent of the Kakata Farmington District Paul Gartor, the former UMW president Christiana Harmon who served at the same time as I did, Emmanuel Saywon – a pastor who was a district superintendent whom Duane met on his first trip in 2002, and the Bishop’s wife Richlain Quire who had been at the Michigan Annual Conference last year.)

When we arrived at the Conference Friday morning, the delegates were in the midst of a prayer meeting. We took our seats and then listened to the prayer leader. From time to time they were encouraged to personally pray all at the same time. It reminded me of Korean praying. I don’t think I have witnessed the Liberians doing it. Duane says he remembers experiencing it. It was very powerful. We joined in once we caught on to what was happening. It ended up with singing and a final prayer.

We realized that the electricity was off when it got time to start the conference session. We were late in starting the morning events because they were hoping the electricity would come back on. Bishop Quire called the session to order, announced about the electricity and what was happening next. It meant that the sound system wasn’t working. And the fans weren’t on. Fortunately the weather was cooler. Then the Bishop came down off the stage and sat right in front of us so he could hear the the morning speakers.

Paul Perez gave devotions for the morning. Paul was incredible speaking to the large crowd without a microphone. He used the text of Jeremiah 29:11 – “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans of peace …to give you a future of hope.” He connected Michigan with Liberia. Paul laid a great foundation for the covenant of partnership we would present later renewing our relationship. He mentioned the three parts of the Liberian Strategic plans that we were hoping to assist with – Education, Sustainable Agriculture and Water. There were amens heard. There was silence when he first mentioned the 2019 General Conference. He talked about the Liberian Summit in Cleveland Ohio where Bishop Quire apologized for any harm that the Liberian Conference may have done to the partnership. Paul apologized for any harm that we may have done to the Liberian Church. His message was that, though there may be changes in structure, the relationship does not change. We continue to build on that relationship. We have a future with hope.

He was followed by the Bible Study Teacher Dr. Hilary G. Paul. He is the Chairman for the Department of Theology, Bishop John G. Innis Graduate School, United Methodist University.

When he was finished, Bishop Quire asked someone to lead in prayer and music while they got ready for the business of the morning. The first item was the Partnership Covenant. The Secretary of the conference, Rev. Dr. James Labala, read the covenant to the conference. A motion was made and seconded and the voice vote was going to be taken. There were some questions asked and the motion got tabled until the following day while a committee would look at the covenant. We realized that, even though they had had the covenant for some time, it had not been reviewed by others. The committee was named and was asked to meet immediately to go over it. Jon and Paul were able to attend and comment. We felt it was a covenant of relationship not a legal document.

After they left, some reports were given. The first one was the Commission on Archives and History. The chair presenting it was a friend Rev. Dr. Anthony Dioh. I had not realized that he was the chair. Their conference commission was working very hard at encouraging churches to write down their histories so they would not be forgotten as time passed. They were going to hold workshops for church historians to show them how it could be done. As he ended his report, I sent my Commission business card up to him then walked up to stand by him. I had been sitting just a few feet away. The Bishop mentioned that he had originally been assigned to the General Commission four years ago but then went to another Commission. Anthony introduced me and I greeted the conference on behalf of our General Secretary Dr. Alfred Day. I also commended the Conference for working on their histories and hoped that copies would be sent to the General church archives in New Jersey. Later Duane and I had lunch with Anthony and his wife Jennifer and talked more about it.

Another report was given by the chair of LUMEF – The Liberia United Methodist Foundation. Then the order of the day brought us to the time of The Hour That Inspires and Challenges. The speaker for the conference was Rev. Dr. Daniel S. Brewer. He served at the Gbarnga School of Theology in Liberia and in the Minnesota Conference.

He spoke about allowing our Human Spirit to cooperate with the Holy Spirit so we were sensitive to what God wants us to do. He emphasized six points of moving to live in God’s will – Loyalty to the Mission of God, Gratitude of the Grace of God, Sensitivity to the Will of God, Confident in the Faith of God, Enjoyment of the Presence of God, and Commitment to the Justice of God.

After his message, there was more music and prayer that became overwhelming as it continued. Then Conference was adjourned to go to lunch. It was 1:30 pm.

After lunch our afternoon was spent at Ganta Hospital and Mission Station. More on that later.

Team on Thursday 2-13
Guest House in Ganta
Conference Stage 2-13-20
Auditorium 2-14-20
Jon receiving conf program
Diana at podium, Bishop behind
Liberia Team Feb 14

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