Duane slept all night and was still tired in the morning. I was able to sleep for awhile than woke up early. We had breakfast in the dining room. Then Duane went back to bed.
Later I went to lunch with Sam, Tom, Bill, and the Ivorians to a restaurant downtown called Diana’s Restaurant. It was run by some Lebanese. Sam, Tom and Bill had been there the night before. We had hamburgers fixed in an interesting way. The bun was cut two-thirds lower and one-third for the cover. The lower part was scooped out and a lettuce concoction was put in the hole. Then the hamburger was put on, ketchup on both sides, then the lid. Unfortunately I did not want to eat the lettuce so scraped it out. I had ordered take out for Duane. I scooped his out too. When we were done, we went back to the compound dormitory. Duane was feeling a little better. He enjoyed the hamburger.
Monday afternoon I called Rose Farhat, the Women’s Directrice and said I was back. She came over to visit. She caught me up on how things were going since the Ebola had cleared up. They had closed the Day Care Center but it needed more work before it could be opened again. They had also redone the water supply at the Day Care Area and put up a fence to keep the children from going out by accident. I told her about our United Methodist Women’s groups in the Michigan Area and the United Methodist Community House. We promised to keep in touch and see what each group could do.
Later in the evening I went to Sam’s house to have him help me get in touch with the DS from Kakata-Farmington and the director of the Bishop Craig’s Village to arrange transportation for Duane and I to go visiting them on Tuesday.